#2 go to home tab, click the font settings button at the bottom right corner of the font group. Here are the steps: #1 select the cell to which you want to add borders. this article will introduce you some tricky ways to change either the border color of all cell in the whole. however sometimes the black color may be not fit in the worksheet for some reasons, and it requires changing to other border color. as we know, you can add black border for selections easily. By default, the cell border is gray in excel. The video offers a short tutorial on how to change border color of active cell in excel. microsoft, stop ignoring this issue and do something!. when i use search, it takes a while to find the active cell, because its color ant thickness isn't helping a lot. Is there a way to change the color of the active cell pointer border in excel? i would like to be able to change it to what ever color i choose. press alt f11 keys to open microsoft visual basic for applications window. to change the filled color of active cell is a good choice to make it outstanding, but there is no built in function to help you except macro code. Change border color of active cell with vba.